Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Place

Delighted to report my First Place win at the Black & White and Shades of Gray want Show at the Art League of Bonita Springs. It was a big show with lots of good competition which made it all the more satisfying.
I just heard that the trendy West Elm store in Coconut Point that they wish to feature me in their local artist series of shows. It will be from 6th to 11th of November with a Meet & Greet evening at 6.30pm on the 7th. will be showing Dizzies and Spatials and some of my latest, which I call African Masks and Sharon calls Peep-Po's! You can perhaps see why.

Monday, September 1, 2014


I have just had a most exciting experience in a new gallery on First Street, Fort Myers.
I have 22 of my Spatials and Dizzies in the show which opened on the famous Art Walk
which is always on the first Friday of every month. This gallery has a different approach
to showing art. They made T-shirts of some of my Dizzies and they produced a video
of everything in the show, merging one into the next and accompanied by the pop song
"I'm so Dizzy". It was so entertaining and even more so when they projected the video
across the street at night onto a 3-storey building. It is very exciting to see your work
twenty foot high!

This drawing, ink on clayboard, is called "Great Balls of Fire" and it won second place at
the last Bonita Art League show. As you can see I like titles with humor!
I an currently working on a series based on an African mask I saw recently which reminded
me of my Dizzies in its shape and complexity. I did a black & white version but also a triptich
version shown here.
Sharon loves this one and has it on the kitchen wall. She says these are her "Peepoes"!